Jess Wilder
Mar 17, 2023
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This seemingly superpower is what makes employees take notice.  We recommended that leaders share the struggle of their journeys on the road to leadership.
 Employees are paying attention to leadership because many realize that they are capable of advancement. In a midyear Society for Human Resource Management survey 61% of individuals blamed lack of career development and advancement as a top three cause of turnover.  Many HR professionals don’t invest in training because budgets aren’t robust enough to include it.
However, HR can conduct career path studies, provide access to free online learning opportunities, and more actively look for opportunities to promote employees internally. Also, if HR does manage to convince leadership that training should be included in the annual budget, they should work on creating skills training that guarantees advancement, and offer education or tuition reimbursement benefits. Â
HR must be relentless when championing training to the C-Suite.  Voluntary turnover is very costly.  Employers stand to lose as much as $110,000 per lost employee. If we are asking the C-suite to change their attitude in regard to training, those of us in HR need to do the same. We need to figure out ways to make training for advancement an option for all employees.Â
 For the most part, we leave out hourly workers.  Instead of just giving up before we get started, and perpetuating the ‘things will never change, why bother’ self-defensive posture, we can realize that we can approach leadership with information that they don’t have and don’t know they need.  We are at an advantage in the power dynamic, and we need to learn how to explain the training and development in a way that makes leadership realize that we are addressing their need. We can explain how training employees will resolve key business needs or problems.  We can use data like revenue or productivity statistics, to explain investment in training is a solution.  HR has grown in its capacity to understand organizations holistically.  Now we need to expand our ability to explain.Â
#lackofadvancementopportunitiescausesturnover #employeeswhoarenttrainedleave #HRusesnofundingfortrainingasanexcuse